Video: The History of Climate Governance (#1 of 4)
Here is the first of our four videos, "The History of Climate Governance". This is the link to the annotated version, which can be used in high schools and universities to help students understand what is at stake in Paris for COP21. It has links embedded in the video to primary documents, reports and academic papers to assist in its use as a teaching tool.
Efforts to address climate change have a long history. To understand the future of climate change governance, as we look to Paris in December 2015, we need to understand the history. (For an in-depth look at the negotiations to the new agreement (2011-2015), see video four).
Learning objectives
By the end of this video you will:
- be able to state some of the key events in the 25 year history of international climate governance;
understand the key issues during the negotiations leading to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol; - understand key terms in global environmental governance, such as ratification, entry into force and governance, and know how these terms apply to climate governance; and
- be able to identify some of the major players in international climate governance, such as civil society and key states.
Video 1: The History of Climate Governance from IISD Reporting Services / ENV on Vimeo.